

I'm almost convinced to trade in my absolute favorite pair of J Brand 11" Skinnies for a pair of these flares. Almost.  It may or may not be the flattering cut that makes your legs look like they go on for days, the classic look mixed with a little bit of 70's glam, or just the fact that it's another excuse to wear more denim.

The only question is, which brand?  I'm debating and would love to hear your thoughts.  Do you own a pair? Love em' or Hate em'?

Photos: 1 -- Vanessa Jackman | 2 + 4 -- Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist | 3 -- Sydney of The Daybook via Apartment 34

1 comment:

  1. I love flares! Especially because I'm a shorty when I wear them in the summer with wedges I can fake longer legs. ;)
